1st Week of Lent, Midweek Reflection
The Demand for a sign.
“This generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Luke 11:29
We live in a world of instant gratification. When we want information, we have it immediately curiously of a supercomputer we carry with us. Developers and innovators around the world are constantly look at ways to get things to us faster and better. As a high school chaplain, all the more I see that this is a generation who wants what they want and they want it now.
The same can be true when we are on a journey for health. In the fitness word we look for “gains”. Smaller waists, bigger muscles, stronger lifts, faster runs, and higher jumps are all examples if the signs we seek to validate what we are doing. Sometimes, we get those right away and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes there will be weeks without any gains. Then, BAM! Suddenly the scale will move, the heavier weights get lifted, and seconds come off your run time. As we know anything in life that will last, calls us to put forth an effort.
The same is true spiritually. We want answers, but God’s language is silence. We want instant mastery of virtue, but God teaches us through trial and misstep. If you are like me, in the spiritual life, and one the journey into health, you may find yourself saying “Come on God, can you throw me a bone here?” But the reality is he has. He has given us the resurrection of Jesus Christ which triumphs over all of my shortcomings and reminds me that physical, spiritual and emotional victory is in Him! HE is the sign. HE is the gain. HE is all I need. May our fast remind us of how much we need HIM.
Eat Clean. Be Fit. Pray well.
Fr. Casey